Friday, March 5, 2010

CarrotMobs to Crop Mobs: Making a Difference with Mass from Worldchanging: Bright Green by Sean Conroe


How can we support local business owners who want to make bright green changes? The CarrotMob!

Using social networks, CarrotMobs coordinate with the store and each other to show up and make massive purchases to reward the business's proactive green steps. In Seattle, for example, a CarrotMob arranged a deal with the Pike Pub & Brewery. On Earth Day, the CarrotMob showed up for food and drinks. In return, Pike Pub put 25 percent of all sales back into providing a mini-energy retrofit and other improvements for the location.

What is great about this effort lies in the connections being made between those involved. Farms receive extra hands to help out in the fields, and volunteers take away knowledge on sustainable farming practices. With the average age of today’s farmers on the rise, crop mobs exemplify simple, unique ways to help on ways to diversify the field of agriculture by intimately involving the next generation of farmers.

Watch the video!

1 comment:

  1. We're seeing this trend not too from from here either! Check out the They are a farm and resource center in Ithaca, part of the Ithaca EcoVillage. They are planning a crop mob in April.
